Achieving an AIDS-free Generation

Aids-Day This December 1 is World AIDS Day--a day for global solidarity in the fight against HIV and AIDS, support for those living with the disease, and commemoration for those who have lost their lives to it.

This year's theme is "Focus, partner, achieve: An AIDS-free generation." Firelight partners address the impact of HIV and AIDS each day and World AIDS Day is a day to stand by them as they work toward an AIDS-free generation.

There are many ways to show your solidarity in the fight against AIDS this World AIDS Day. Here are a few to get you started:

  1. Wear a red ribbon--the universal symbol of awareness and support for those living with HIV.
  2. Start a conversation about the reality of HIV and AIDS. Our latest fund has several stories to help, Fund: Child Safety.
  3. Expand awareness on social media by reminding everyone of World AIDS Day, a day that many people in the US have forgotten, as one student learned when she was a Firelight intern. Here's her story: Everyone Should Know About World AIDS Day. Use #WAD2014 and don't forget to tag us in your posts! @FirelightFnd (Twitter),, @FirelightFnd (Instagram).
  4. Make a donation to Firelight, all donations support our work with African communities supporting children and families affected by HIV and AIDS.

This World AIDS Day, join us in supporting African communities to make lasting change for children and families affected by HIV and AIDS.
