

At Firelight, we believe that learning should not simply be an evaluation tool but – primarily – it should be an enabling tool. We are committed to adaptive and participatory learning.

We use learning and evidence gathering:

  • To understand the context, be responsive and relevant and meaningfully engage and collaborate with key stakeholders

  • To integrate learning with action so that data can guide improvements in design and implementation

  • To capture data on reach, outcomes and impact, and be transparent and accountable about these

  • To generate knowledge to influence and improve practice around the role of CBOs and communities in development and the effective capacity building of CBOs.

Here we share some of our own evidence – including situational analyses of the environments in which children and youth are growing up in eastern and southern African communities, as well as assessments of the ways in which community-based organizations can improve these environments and children’s outcomes.

We also share regular learning updates on our blog.

Community-driven systems change learning

“Community-driven systems change: Where is the evidence?” blog series

Child marriage

Adolescent girls

Early childhood development (ECD)

Learning in the primary school years

Child and youth protection

Children affected by HIV and AIDS