The Art & Science of Seizing Opportunity
Opportunity is a big word that reminds us of open doors, a-ha moments, and that light bulb that hovers above the heads of cartoon images. Today the latest issue of Alliance Magazine came out and it's all about opportunity--The Art & Science of Seizing Opportunity--and it was guest edited by Firelight's own Peter Laugharn.
In this issue, Laugharn argues that foundations play a major role when it comes to opportunities to make progress on pressing global issues. While all opportunities include risk, the initial emphasis is best placed on the opportunity.
Opportunity is a common discussion at Firelight, where our grantee-partners drive our interests in the subject. We once termed grants to emerging organizations, "risk" grants, then realized this wasn't a risk at all, it was an opportunity. The ball has been rolling ever since. Last year we made $1.8 million in grants to African grassroots organizations that will stir-up a series of opportunities for Firelight and for their communities.
Read the latest issue of Alliance Magazine, guest edited by Peter Laugharn here. Then let us know how you incorporate investments in opportunity in your work and where you've seen the impact of it.