A Reason for Hope in Africa in 4 Links
There’s been a lot of talk about Africa’s growth and emerging strategic importance in the world. While it’s not new news to us, since we’ve seen the strong leadership coming from the ground up for thirteen years now, it is refreshing.
In case you missed them, here are four links to an article, opinion, chart, and a video about Africa’s growth and strength.
Invest in Africa, Not Facebook The Daily Beast
This is an opinion piece about African entrepreneurs and the good investment opportunities they offer. It created a bit of a stir when it was published last week.
Africa Rising: After decades of slow growth, Africa has a real chance to follow in the footsteps of Asia. The Economist.
An article that dissects Africa's rapid growth. Six of the world’s ten fastest-growing countries were African in the past decade. The continent has now grown faster than East Asia, including Japan, in eight of the past ten years.
Good News from Africa: Africa is experiencing some of the biggest falls in child mortality ever seen. The Economist.
A chart that outlines the decrease in child mortality in Africa, with some good news.
Helping Africa Help Itself TEDxChange Talk by Peter Laugharn.
This is Firelight Foundation Director's TEDxTalk. He makes a case that Africa is strong. And that it's strong through its communities.
Did we miss any other good links? Let's make this list long!