Make it Happen Monday

Our weekly partner spotlight. This week we take a look at the work of some of our Zimbabwe partners.

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These five Firelight partners are working with their communities in Zimbabwe to care for vulnerable children and families.

Masvingo Community Based HIV and Vulnerable Children Organization (MACOBAO) works to promote self-sufficiency and strengthen the livelihoods of families affected by HIV in Masvingo.

Chiedza Community Welfare Trust was formed by teachers, health workers, and local women in Mutare to prevent parent-child HIV transmission and provide families with business opportunities.

Youth for a Child in Christ (YOCIC), based in Bulwayo, uses "Kid's Clubs" to provide children with the opportunity to play as well as learn about HIV and AIDS care and prevention.

Shingirirai Trust, based in Harare, helps vulnerable children through early learning centers to support their development and prepare them for school.

Justice for Children Trust (JCT) was started by a group of lawyers in Harare who work to educate the public on children's legal rights and advocate for policies that better protect children.



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