Make it Happen Monday

Our weekly partner spotlight. This week we take a look at Safina Women’s Association (SAWA) in Morogoro, Tanzania.

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SAWA is making it happen by establishing early childhood development centers in the Maasai community. They do this by constructing local schools, training teachers, developing bilingual materials and supporting girls’ education. They also support community savings and loans programs for women’s economic empowerment.

SAWA blog

SAWA has been identifying and addressing barriers to education in Tanzania since 1996. A few years ago, they started working with the Maasai community where children are raised speaking Maa, but their school materials are presented in Kiswahili. SAWA used Firelight funding to build and establish local early childhood development centers in the Maasai community and trained teachers to teach children in both Maa and Kiswahili. Children are now better prepared for the transition to school.

SAWA also supports families and communities to create more early learning opportunities for children. These early learning opportunities are what SAWA believes will lower school dropout rates and benefit children’s lives overall.

Partner Snapshot… Firelight Partner since 2012 9 staff members 2 volunteers

Learn more about SAWA here … Bringing Education Closer to Home

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