Our Second Annual 10 Days 4 Change Campaign

10DaysForChange The 2014 10 Days 4 Change Campaign kicked-off on Monday this week. We are halfway through our ten days and the participants at Scotts Valley High are very enthusiastic. These students are each so responsible, involved and motivated this year. It has been great to see kids coming up to us with questions about Firelight and the campaign.

I decided to participate in 10 Days 4 Change this year because as I am about to leave for college, I have really begun to discover how supportive my community has been of me. The funds we raise this year will support Firelight partner Enukweni in Malawi. I want to do my best to help Enukweni because every student should have the resources and community support that they need to succeed in school. Enukweni is an important organization that is encouraging the educational success of young students in Malawi. When I told the participants in this years campaign that Enukweni is currently trying to finish building one of their facilities, everyone was immediately inspired. Enukweni helps communities in Malawi give their students the same type of support that we are lucky enough to experience here.

African children hoola-hooping outdoors in Malawi

One sophomore student told me that she is excited because she decided to raise her funds through a bake sale this year. Other students have decided to take advantage of crowdrise to introduce the campaign to extended family and friends.

The mission of this year’s campaign is to raise enough money to not only build the rest of Enukweni’s center, but to also be able to continue to support their programs. We chose a tangible goal so that the mission of our campaign would be clear and relatable.

Students have started crowdfunding campaigns online. If you would like to donate or create your own, you can join our campaign here. You can also donate on Firelight's website and leave a note on the page that you want your donation to go to 10 Days for Change, the donate page is here.

A screenshot of student fundraising campaigns with a profile photo and the amount raised so far

Anya Barca-Hall wrote this blog, she is a senior at Scotts Valley High School and an intern at Firelight.