Teaching Self Defense in Tanzania

We recently visited Kwa Wazee in Muleba, Tanzania. They’ve been a Firelight partner since 2006 and you can support their work right now in the Fund: Child Safety. See what they are up to in this slideshow of our trip photos. We had a chance to sit in on the self-defense class and join the girls in a community workshop while we were there. It was exciting!

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Kwa Wazee teaches self defense to girls and peaceful conflict resolution to boys. This year, they are expanding their training to reach more boys because they want to help them learn how to end conflict peacefully and reduce violence with each other and with girls.

Kwa Wazee is building a community among youth where violence is not tolerated, teaching them the skills they need to live peacefully.

Kwa Wazee

Learn more and support Kwa Wazee in the Fund: Child Safety until January 31st when the Fund closes!