Join Us: Drink Beer Stop Poverty

There's no reason important causes like stopping poverty can't be fun too. So join us for Drink Beer Stop Poverty! It all begins on Monday, October 28th at Discretion Brewing in Soquel, California.

This is the first time we've held this event and it all happened because of Kathleen Genco, the owner of Discretion Brewing. Kathleen used to work in the nonprofit world and knows the great work happening there. She dedicates Mondays to local causes to bring people in the community face to face with people making a difference then donates 20% of all sales from the day to the spotlighted cause. She calls it Love Mondays. In her words, “The name Love Mondays came from thinking, what’s the point of giving back? Charity is the old fashioned term, but love is really another word for that.”

Here are a few more words from Kathleen. We had a great conversation sitting on the outdoor patio at Discretion Brewing one day.

Love Mondays is a great idea, what inspired you to start it? Love Mondays is about gathering and giving back. It’s a way to meet the people behind the community groups I’ve heard of in Santa Cruz while giving people something meaningful to talk about. Plus it’s just cool to hear people’s stories. Storytelling and beer is good.

black lettered sign that reads Kindness Matters against a red wall

You’ve held a few Love Mondays now, do you have any tips on how community groups can make it a success? Start right away and be here all day – you can change who comes and goes but if you are going to make it worth you’re time, it’s best to be here from beginning to end. Bring lots of materials and create some way for the community to interact with you. I’ve seen a library group bring a book cart and an animal shelter bring pets wearing their adopt me signs. Those were hits because they made people happy. The best events include some form of activity for people to engage with the work you do. Create a party atmosphere – let people learn about you and be jolly.

Kathleen Genco sits outdoors at her brewery, Discretion Brewing

What inspired you to open a brewery? It’s my first one and my first business. It’s a family thing, we talked about what business we could create. My son had started home brewing at 21 and it was good. We ended up writing a business plan and just did it. I had three smart twenty-somethings who I could employ. My daughter does the social marketing, my son-in-law does marketing and sales, my son is the assistant brewer. We started a worldwide search for a professional brewer and found someone who grew up in Santa Cruz. We have health insurance for all our full-time employees. I’m a job creator and that’s fun too.

What’s it like working with family? It’s easier than I thought it would be. It’s been cool to see them as adults in roles all of us are learning. It’s definitely been fun.

Who are your customers? They span all ages and not all are beer geeks. People who want a beer without a bar scene come here and women can even come here alone and be comfortable. I’m really happy about that.

Thanks Kathleen!  We can't wait for October 28th when Firelight will be at Discretion Brewing.

We'll be posting some fun beer facts and news about the event as it unfolds so join the Drink Beer Stop Poverty event on Facebook!

Drink Beer Stop Poverty