Today's the Day: 10 Days 4 Change
In the U.S., $12 pays for three lattes. In Tanzania, $12 pays for a child’s education for an entire year.
10 Days for Change is a fundraising campaign led by students in the Santa Cruz County to support communities, students, and education in Africa. Beginning today, our goal is to raise $10,000 in 10 days. We’re challenging 100 students to each raise $100 from their families and friends.
10 Days for Change was inspired by students who are lucky enough to be given the resources for a successful education. Through the support of Firelight, students from our community have the opportunity to lend a hand to students in Africa.
In our community, we have free education, learning materials, and at least one nutritious meal a day. In communities facing extreme poverty, these necessities are not easily accessible. The support you gather in ten days will make a significant difference for students in Africa.
In order to make this fundraiser effective, we need the participation of students from around the county, and the support of those around them. We all have the power to make a change. By supporting 10 Days for Change, you will be giving students in Africa the opportunity to have a better education. Our hope is for our community to come together for the wellbeing of students that are less fortunate. We are so lucky to be living in a privileged community that gives us many opportunities for a successful education.
We would love your support for the 10 Days for Change campaign.
Learn more at: 10 Days 4 Change or Donate today!
This blog was written by Anya, Katherine, Kate and Nicole, creators of 10 Days for Change.