It's Thanksgiving: 10 Things We're Thankful For Right Now

An outline of the continent of Africa is covered with thank you written in multiple languages in various colors.This Thanksgiving we’re thankful for many things so we thought why not make a list! Here are 10 things we’re thankful for this year.


  • New team members: Kristen, Marcus, Mia and Evelyn who joined us in the last year and have brought a lot of fun and great expertise to our work.


  • New grantee-partners: Chanyama Community Based Organization and Enukweni Community Based Organization in Malawi and Mkombozi, Safina Women's Association and Elimu Community Light in Tanzania.


  • Our dedicated country consultants and resource people who support our partners in mentoring, training, and capacity support in Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. Thank you Tomaida, Howard, Louis, Donald, Hilarie and Gregoire.


  • All of our 122 grantee-partners who are working everyday to improve children’s lives in Africa through community-driven efforts that support families and create new opportunities.


  • A team that is fun, thoughtful and inspiring to work with everyday.


  • Our donors who together have contributed over $3 million, making it possible for us to support the great work happening in Africa.


  • Community Partners who invited us to speak with their employees, students, friends and colleagues: Microsoft, Interact: Rotary International’s service club for young people, Monterey Institute for International Studies, Scotts Valley High School, and the Silicon Valley African Film Festival.


  • Our Awesome Board of Directors and Advisory Council who guide our work and bring Firelight into new communities to deepen our impact.


  • Our 11,553 strong online community on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and our blog readers of course.


  • All of the dedicated volunteers who join us each week moving the work of Firelight forward.

Tell us what you’re thankful for:



An outline of the continent of Africa is covered with thank you written in multiple languages in various colors.

Firelight NewsMonica Dey