A Long Weekend of Exciting Support

The end of March is going to end with a long weekend of love from the Santa Cruz community for us here at Firelight. And you're invited to be a part of the fun.

The first event is on March 29th and it's going to be a warm, local dinner hosted by Phoebe Dlott and Terry Walters.Phoebe Dlott is a globally-minded Santa Cruz Waldorf School student and she's put together a benefit integrating local ingredients and donations from local vendors. Phoebe decided to organize the benefit because "I want to help the global imbalance and narrow the giant gap between those who have enough and those who suffer; I feel it's wrong that kids die from hunger, poverty and AIDS. I want to make a difference."If you want to be a part of Phoebe's event, here's the details!Thursday, March 29, 2012, 6:00 - 9:00 PM at the The Backstage Lounge in Santa Cruz, CA

You can purchase tickets or donate in Phoebe's name here.

The second event in this long weekend of Firelight love is on March 31st and it's a fun musical affair at the Samba Rock Açaí Cafe. This event will be full of art from photos of the Amazon's Huaorani tribe by Tom McElroy, a jazz band and good food.

Amazon in Santa CruzCome help Samba Rock Açaí Café celebrate its third anniversary.

Tom McElroy's photos from his time with the Amazon's Huaorani tribe will be on display. Co-owner Vanessa tells us that she's supporting Firelight because of the good work we do in Africa, and she wants to celebrate the roots of her Brazilian heritage.Hosting a show of photos taken in the Amazon and supporting grassroots organizations in Africa are two ways she celebrates being a Brazilian in Santa Cruz. Stop by to enjoy a jazz band and special treats from the café menu.

20% of art sales go to Firelight Foundation

You don't need to purchase advance tickets for this event, just show up and enjoy!

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Samba Rock Açaí Cafe on 291 Water Street in Santa Cruz, CA.

Find out more about Samba Rock Açaí Café here.

Find out more about Tom McElroy here.


When we see support like this, we know how important a global community is to so many of us.

We hope to see you at these two great events, everyone!


Firelight NewsMonica Dey