Young Philanthropists "Free the Youth"

young people at a tableA few weeks ago Firelight staff witnessed mobs of youth jumping up and down, yelling at the top of their lungs, groups dressed in matching colors showing team pride. We saw them rising suddenly from their seats, joining the fray, and felt the increasing velocity and pounding of their feet. The passionate power of adolescents can be overwhelming, and unstoppable. This encounter would have provoked fear in other settings, but these teens are turning the gaze of their exuberance onto the platform of social good. They are stepping up to make the world a better place, and Firelight Foundation will be the better for it. These youth are Interact District 5170, the world's largest and most recognized international organization of service and social clubs for young people. Last year these empowered youth raised over $100,000 for international relief. This year they’ve chosen Firelight to be one of the beneficiaries of their fundraising campaign, their theme is “Free the Youth”. This school year, 6,000 high school students from over 80 high schools will unify for a common purpose: They will connect with youth in Africa while they raise funds and awareness about the work of Firelight.

Firelight will spend the next school year partnering with Interact District 5170 to help facilitate a culture of philanthropy with Baysign done by young people Area youth. We look forward to establishing a relationship between youth in the Bay Area and youth in Africa. What power will they generate together? What problems will they solve? How will they change as a result of their cross-cultural relationships? We will have to wait, watch, and take notice.  Surely it will be as great as their passion and energy. Here comes the next generation, and they care a lot.

To see the power of the young people at Interact District 5170, watch this video from their annual kickoff! Their energy just may inspire you!
