Firelight's Growing: Help Us Help African Communities

Firelight Foundation in Santa Cruz, California, is looking for a development officer to join our team. We’re looking for a person who believes in the power of neighbor helping neighbor, and the power of people in a community coming together to solve their children’s problems. t shirt that says support orphans and vulnerable children and a community in sight over person's shoulder

The development officer will know what a world of good an African grassroots organization can do with a $15,000 grant from Firelight, and can describe a grassroots organization in a vivid story or a crisp powerpoint. Someone who knows how to make the dreams and potential of an African grassroots organization as real to potential donors as the bread they eat.

At Firelight, we receive most of our current funding from foundations, including income from our own endowment. We are looking to diversify by raising funds from individuals. The development officer will build up our individual fundraising, as strategist, relationship builder, networker, ambassador and negotiator. The development officer will have the time to build this funding base – we are committed to a multi-year effort, because we know that relationships take time to grow.

This is an opportunity to join an experienced and dedicated team, and play a key role within the foundation. If this is the job for you, please apply here.  If you know someone who would be perfect, please forward this on. If you’d like to help, but don’t have a candidate in mind, please spread the word within your network.

Many thanks for your help.